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Monitoring and Evaluation System: Site Visits March-April 2008


As part of the continuing effort to strengthen the M&E System for Philippine AIDS Response, the M&E Team met with the M&E pilot sites in the country to conduct M&E assessment and planning at the local level. Three cluster meetings were held in March to April 2008. Additional sites were included in response to the AMTP IV Operation Plan to increase the M&E sites. The objectives of the meetings were to:
1. Provide updates to the LGU M&E partners on indicators and CRIS (Country Response Information System)
2. Present highlights of the UNGASS Country Progress Report 2008
3. Conduct an assessment and consolidated planning at the local level

The first meeting was held in Feb. 29 to March 1, 2008 at Villa Margarita Hotel, JP Laurel Avenue, Davao City participated by 7 representatives from the cities of Davao, General Santos, and Zamboanga. Cagayan De Oro was invited as an additional site but was not able to attend due to conflict in schedules. Participants were members of the Local AIDS Councils including NGO partners.

Assessment results showed that local and regional partners have continuously responded to the epidemic. However, reporting of activities to PNAC is still needs to be strengthened. A common need that was identified in all sites was the strengthening of data analysis through preparation of the local situational analysis report. This includes mentoring and building up writing skills as well.
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