2:25 AM
National HIV Research Agenda 2005-2010
List of Topics
1.1.1. HIV Prevalence among MARP and VP
1.1.2. HIV Prevalence among Partners of MARP and VP
1.1.3. HIV Prevalence in General Population, Youth, and Street Children
1.2.1. Socio-demographic profile and KAP of Filipino persons living with HIV (PLHIVs)
1.2.2. Studies on the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of PLHIVs
1.2.3. Operational research on the health-seeking behavior of PLHIVs
1.2.4. KAP of affected families
1.3.1. Burden of Disease Study on Health & Economic Impact of HIV & AIDS
1.3.2. Monitoring and documentation of human rights violations related to HIV and AIDS
2.1.1. Studies on risk-taking behaviors of MARPs
2.1.2. Ecologic/environ factors that influence vulnerability to HIV infection (E.g. poverty, population mobility, gender inequities, criminalization of MARPs and VPs, and lack of social justice)
Determining the vulnerabilities and risky behaviors of MSM
Determining the vulnerabilities and risky behaviors of SW
2.2.1. Size estimating and modeling of MARPs
2.2.2. KAP on AIDS and RH (including & identification of determinants of condom use) MARP
2.2.3. KAP on AIDS and RH (including & identification of determinants of condom use) of OFWs and their partners
2.2.4. STI Prevalence of MARPs (IDU, MSM & SW), Young People, OFWs & General Population
Understanding the Profile of Men having Sex with Men (MSM)s
Understanding the Profile of sex workers (SW)
3.1.1. Study on the involvement of MARPs and VPs in policy and program development, and Monitoring and Evaluation
3.1.2. Inventory/mapping of OFW organizations and organizations of spouses of OFWs, baseline survey and training needs assessment of spouses of OFWs, prevention programs and services made available to OFWs and their spouses
3.1.3. Studies to support the development of prevention strategies for returning OFWs (land and sea-based)
3.1.4. Documentation of the development of feedback, reporting and referral mechanisms (E.g., referral mechanism for PLHIVs detected in blood services program; referral system with professional organizations such as POGS, etc.)
3.1.5. Documentation of establishment of community-based peer-education programs for OFWs
3.1.6. Documentation of experiences in organizing entertainment establishment owners and managers
3.2.1. Assessment of approaches in Voluntary Counseling and Testing
3.2.2. Assessment of peer education strategies (among SWs, IDUs, MSMs, and other populations)
3.2.3. Assessment of IEC/BCC materials (for MARPs and VPs)
3.2.4. Inventory, review and content analysis of AIDS training manuals
3.2.5. Evaluation of effectiveness of mass media information campaigns
3.2.6. Documentation of good practices in workplace STI/HIV prevention programs
3.2.7. Assessment of the level of implementation of HIV/AIDS workplace and school based programs
3.2.8. Survey of companies to determine percentage that have HIV and AIDS workplace policies and programs, percentage of workplace with accepting attitudes towards PLHIV
3.2.9. Survey of primary and secondary schools to determine number of schools with staff members trained and regularly teaching HIV and AIDS.
3.2.10. Assessment of capacity of teachers on life skills-based approach to teaching HIV in schools
3.2.11. Assessment of capacity of youth workers on life skills-based approach to HIV
3.2.12. Evaluation of trainings of PDOS providers -- Assessment of the capacity of PDOS providers
Determining effective strategies or interventions for MSM
Determining effective strategies or interventions for SW
3.3.1. Enhancing access of PLHIVs to treatment, care and support services
3.3.2. Developing strategies and mechanisms for the re-integration of migrant PLHIVs
3.3.3. Factors affecting adherence of PLHIVs to anti-retroviral therapy
3.3.4. Study on promoting safe behavior among PLHIVs
3.3.5. Operational research among orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC)
3.3.6. Study on complementary medicine for care and support of PLHIVs
3.3.7. Survey of households with PLHIV to determine percentage of affected families receiving psychosocial support.
3.3.8. Study on the quality of life of PLHIVs
3.3.9. Operational research on implementing the ARV program in 7 treatment hubs
3.3.10. Studies on care and support provided by a network of faith-based organizations
3.3.11. Exploring mechanisms for livelihood programs for PLHIVs and affected family members
3.3.12. Development of bench-marks for sustainable programs for and by PLHIVs
3.3.13. Studies to support the development of strategies for empowerment of PLHIVs to become effective advocates
3.4.1. Capacity assessment of the health care system to respond to a growing HIV epidemic
3.4.2. Documentation of good practices in treatment literacy among PLHIVs
3.5.1. Documentation on “handling of funerals” of persons who died of AIDS-related causes
3.5.2. General Population Survey to determine “accepting attitudes towards PLHIV”
4.1.1. Studies to support crafting of PNAC Operational Guidelines
4.2.1. Mapping /Inventory of AIDS initiatives among LGUs, and assessment of their functionality and capacity
4.2.2. Survey of LGUs to determine level of implementation of the 100% Condom Use Program
Mapping or inventory of AIDS initiatives among LGUs; determining the LGU’s vulnerability to HIV; and to assessing LGUs capacity
4.3.1. Gap analysis of funding gap, human resource gap, and supplies gap.
4.3.2. Human Resource Survey Among 60 Sites (as defined in the AMTP IV Operational Plan)
4.3.3. Studies on Republic Act 8504 and how its implementation is affected by other laws (E.g. Dangerous Drugs Act, Intellectual Property Rights Code, etc)
4.3.4. Assessment of civil society involvement in the HIV/AIDS management system
4.3.5. Establishment of a centralized database/library of all AIDS related researches
4.3.6. Studies to support the development of policies which ensure access to services (E.g. for MARPS and VPs, for women outside the context of pregnancy and childbirth)
4.3.7. Studies to support the development of policy to uphold the rights of MARPs and VPs
4.3.8. Health Provider Survey to determine percentage of health providers with accepting attitudes towards PLHIV; capacity for service delivery among service providers among national agencies and 60 sites
4.3.9. Health Facility Survey to determine percentage of STI Health Facilities following appropriate diagnostic procedure; percentage of health facilities observing universal precautions.
4.3.11 Human Resource Survey among National Agencies to determine
4.3.12 Percentage of human resources (health providers, prevention and treatment educators, and care and Some studies conducted, need updated study with wider coverage support givers) requirements among national agencies sufficiently filled-in and sustained.
4.3.13 Assessment of the AIDS Law (RA 8504) and how its implementation is affected by other laws (E.g. Dangerous Drugs Act, Intellectual Property Rights Code, etc) Assessment of IHBSS
4.3.15 Assessment of the AIDS Registry
4.3.16 Assessment of SSESS
4.4.1. Policy reviews (of various programs and their components, E.g. STI management, condom use, etc.)
4.4.2. Evaluation of blood banking guidelines
4.4.3. Review of procurement and distribution systems for various commodities (e.g. condoms)
Source: 2005-2010 National HIV Research Agenda, Philippines, 2007
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10:26 PM