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HIV Vulnerabilities of Migrant Women: from Asia to the Arab States


Shifting from silence, stigma and shame to safe mobility with dignity, equity and justice.

Asian women migrants working overseas generate substantive economic benefits to both countries of origin and host countries. However, they often migrate under unsafe conditions, live uner very difficult circumstances, and are targets of sexual exploitation and violence. Coupled with limited or no access to health sevices and social protection, these factors make them highly vulnerable to HIV.

Qualitative research based on more than 500 interviews over 9 months using FGD and key informant interview with migrant workers; senior officials of the ministries of halth, labor and bureau o femployment; embassy officials; service providers; and recruitment agencies in both countries of origin and destination.

Participating countries
Origin: Bangladesh, Pakistan, Philippines and Sri Lanka
Host: Bahrain, Lebanon and UAE

Key findings
  • Limited preparedness and poor access to information and services render women vulnerable to HIV
  • Domestic workers, like other migrants, are tested without consent, counseling or confidentiality, and are summarily deported if found to be HIV positive
  • Female domestic workers are often only recognized as official employees when it comes to pre-employment HIV testing, but they are not protected by the basic labor rights of migrants intro greater economic debts
  • Disproportionate workload and unpaid minimum pay are the most common complaints. With the current sponsorship system, those who flee abusive workin conditions are immediately rendered “illegal” by host countries exposing them to greater risk of abuses
  • In the absence of local mechanisms in host countries to address abuses of migrant workers, embassies and consulates play a critical role, but often, where they exist, they are understaffed or ill-prepared to address the needs of their migrant nationals
Read more here.
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