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PNAC Launches CRISPinoy


Optimizing online tools for M&E and SI: Good practice from the Philippines
October 2009

The Philippine National AIDS Council (PNAC), with support from UNAIDS Philippines, has recently launched the preliminary version of the online National M&E Database (www.hivdb.devwebsite.info) dubbed CRISPINOY (or CRIS3 for Pinoys, which is slang for Filipinos). CRISPINOY currently houses the existing database of HIV initiatives by civil society organizations (CSO) and local government units (LGU) around the country. Incoming data, particularly for 2010 UNGASS and other national reporting mechanisms, will be built in this database.

The national database is envisioned to hold relevant online Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and Strategic Information (SI) tools as well as other related databases (or at least be linked to these). These include the National HIV Research Database, the Philippine M&E Blog, the Philippine M&E Reference Group Forum and Pinoy UNGASS Forum, and the Philippine National AIDS Registry.

The M&E blog and online forums (or discussion groups) have provided avenue for ensuring timely and cost-efficient delivery, dissemination, discussion, and debate on Philippine M&E and SI products among the geographically dispersed partners in the Philippine archipelago, particularly the country’s vast network of CSOs.

CRISPINOY was developed by a group of database developers under the guidance of the National M&E Working Group (MEWG). The PNAC Secretariat, currently being trained for database management, manages the database, with support from the Health Action Information Network (HAIN), PNAC’s CSO member and M&E technical support arm.

For additional information, contact: mosendez@unaids.org

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