7:07 AM

Project Headshot Clinic (HSC) –MOVE – a photo exhibit was launched last December 9, 2009 at Greenbelt 5, Makati City. Spearheaded by Niccolo Cosme, in collaboration with UNAIDS Philippines, HSC features 20 “movers and shakers” and over a hundred of people from different sectors. The exhibit will run until December 14, 2009.
Headshot Clinic Project - MOVE aims to facilitate curiosity in people and to call for action to HIV and AIDS prevention.
Niccolo Cosme is a visionary photographer who uses his distinctive style of hyper reality. The success of his HSC has taken more than 5,000 headshots locally and abroad, and is continually spreading the call for freedom of expression. He believes that photography is his way of helping out, and has indeed conceptually created change, through his lenses.
Visit the website of the HSC MOVE.
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