10:17 PM
Philippine National Consultation: Universal Access to Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support

10 Years After UNGASS
The United Nations General Assembly, at its 65th session, adopted resolution /RES/65/18- of December 20, 2010 which decided, inter alia, to convene a high level meeting (HLM) from June 8-10, 2011 to undertake a comprehensive review of progress realizing the Declaration Commitment on HIV and AIDS (2001) and the Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS (2006). The Resolution further calls upon the United Nations System, including the regional commissions, to consider initiatives in support of the preparatory process and the HLM.
To contribute to the regional consultation on March 30-31, 2011 and to the preparatory process for the HLM in June 8-10, a national consultation on Universal Access to Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support was held in Fersal Place Hotel, Quezon City on March 22, 2011.
The objectives of the national consultation are to:
1. Facilitate a multisector review of progress achieved in the Philippines
2. Identify challenges, gaps, and the way forward in efforts to ensure universal access to prevention, treatment care and support to all Filipinos by 2015.
3. Promote dialogue between health and other sectors, such as justice and drug control, to address policy and legal barriers to universal access.
The Consultation was attended by over 30 participants from non-government organizations, government agencies, and development partners. Participants came from Davao, Ormoc, Cebu, Zamboanga, Bicol, Baguio, and Metro Manila.
HAIN organized the consultation in partnership with Philippine National AIDS Council and with support from UNAIDS.
Attending the Regional Consultation in Bangkok are:
1. Cong. Kaka Bag-ao, Akbayan Representative
2. Atty. , Dangerous Drugs Board
3. Dr. Fercito Avelino, Philippine National AIDS Council Secretariat
4. Mr. Jonas Bagas, TLF-SHARE Collective
1. Four-page briefer on the progress of UA
2. Full report on the progress of UA
3. Proceedings of the Consultation
Availability of these documents will be announced. Requests may be forwarded to hain@hain.org or call 952-6409 or 9526312.
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