6:00 PM
The Baras M&E Workshop
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National M&E assessment workshop, Baras, Philippines
As part of the culminating activity of the 2005-2010 Philippine AIDS Medium Term Plan (AMTP4), a National M&E Assessment workshop was held in Baras, Philippines. The assessment identified key gaps in the National M&E System and developed an initial M&E action plan for 2010-2011. Around 40 key M&E practitioners in the country, including program managers from the national, regional and local government levels participated in the workshop. Key individuals from organizations involved in the establishment of the Philippine M&E System on HIV since 2003 were also present.
As part of the culminating activity of the 2005-2010 Philippine AIDS Medium Term Plan (AMTP4), a National M&E Assessment workshop was held in Baras, Philippines. The assessment identified key gaps in the National M&E System and developed an initial M&E action plan for 2010-2011. Around 40 key M&E practitioners in the country, including program managers from the national, regional and local government levels participated in the workshop. Key individuals from organizations involved in the establishment of the Philippine M&E System on HIV since 2003 were also present.
The Philippine M&E Assessment Team was composed of PNAC (Dr. Jojo Feliciano), UNAIDS (Mr. Peter Mosende), HAIN (Ms. Noemi Leis), and two independent consultants (Ms. Ruthy Libatique and Mr. Luis Pedroso). Dr. Bob Verbruggen, M&E Adviser at the UNAIDS RST Bangkok, and Dr. Lely Wahyuniar, M&E Adviser of UNAIDS Indonesia joined the Philippine team in facilitating the workshop assessment.
In line with the development of the 5th AIDS Medium Term Plan (AMTP5), a series of M&E planning will be conducted from June to December 2010, to finalize the M&E action plan developed from the workshop and develop it into a 2011-2010 National M&E Plan.