7:51 PM
Dr. Jojo Feliciano, PNAC M&E Officer, giving the lecture on M&E fundamentals and the National M&E Framework on HIV to more than 50 RAATs members from the 17 regions on 16 June 2010 at the Local Government Academy Training Center (LGATC), UP Los Banos, Laguna.
The training workshop, which was focused on M&E, was 4th in the series of capacity building activities for RAATs. The first 3 workshops were conducted in 2009 - one in Davao City and two in Cebu City.
The project ,"Leadership for Effective and Sustained Responses to HIV and AIDS", is being implemented by the Local Government Acadamy (LGA) of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG). It seeks to harmonize efforts of the Philippine National AIDS Council (PNAC) and the Joint UN Programme on Support to AIDS in the Philippines (JUPSAP) to strengthen sustainable local AIDS responses through the development of leadership capacities of local government units (LGUs) and the Regional AIDS Assistance Teams (RAATs).
The project is the first component of the 5-component GOP-UNDP "Promoting Leadership & Mitigating the Negative Impacts of HIV & AIDS on Human Development" programme which aims to support leadership and capacity development to strengthen local responses and mitigate the negative impacts on human development of HIV and AIDS. It adopts a modular approach in programming to remain flexible and responsive to a growing Philippine HIV epidemic and the needs of the Philippines 4th AIDS Medium Term Plan.
For more information visit the project website at: http://www.lga.gov.ph/hiv
Or contact Mr. Patrick Erestain.